Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I've Been Benched

A couple of weeks ago I showed this very sad bench in one of my bunkhouse posts. She is a recovery from the plethora of stuff in the bunkhouse.

Well, when I brought her into the house for a redressing I discovered that she had... Oh I don't know... ONE MILLION upholstery nails in her, very similar to these.
9/16" Blued Upholstery Tacks - Click Image to Close

And of course there was an second layer of fabric with its own set of ONE MILLION nails. So that means, I painstaking removed TWO MILLION individual nails. Well, to be honest it probably just felt like two million, however it was a lot. Good times people, good times! 

After that smooth sailing, right? WRONG! What I thought was a great sanding, turned out to be a fallacy. Why do I say that? Take a look below. Notice anything horribly wrong after the first coat of primer?

Let's try this again. Coat number two. 

We went on like that for another few coats of primer. Finally I decided to just put the paint on and pray there would be no bleed through. HALLELUJAH! It worked. And here she is with her new drop cloth top on and deciding what type of skirt to wear.

She decided on a pleated skirt instead of ruffled and a two tailored bows to spice it up a little. (The color is Meadow by Valspar in Eggshell.)

 The bow is totally no sew. My good friend was a great helper with them:

Mr. Uncluttered has taken her over already for the mudroom. The previous bench we had in there was too big. Oh well, I guess that means he likes her too.

Till next time. 

I'm linking this to:
Inspiration Friday - At the Picket Fence

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