Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Frame Within A Frame

It feels good to complete a project even if it is a small one. I have a few of them in the works but this is the first one that I was able to get done.

This antique frame has been laying around the house for awhile. Someone tried to repair a chunk that was missing and didn't do the best job so I decided to paint it. You can see the repairs slightly in the upper right corner.

The first coat I painted was a tan, then I painted over that with Dover White by Do-It-Best. I was not trying to be perfect because I was going to distress it anyway. I made sure not to paint the chipped parts, I think it adds to the character. Also, it had a red velvet "mat" attached to it. I thought it would be great to opportunity to use the fabric paint technique I've seen all over blogland.

Something went horribly wrong... What's wrong with this picture?

As you can tell I nixed the "matting", it didn't get any better with a second coat... it actually got worse. :(  But I think its purr-ty without it.

I adore this pitcher. Its a antique Victorian insulated pitcher. It was given to me and I have debated about polishing it up. What do you think? Should I remove the patina? 

Check out the detail on the feet and the handle.

Thanks for visiting... till next time.

I'm linking this to:
Meta Monday - BNOTP
Amaze Me Monday - Dittle Dattle
Newbie Party - Debbiedoo's Blogging and Blabbing
White Wednesday - Faded Charm

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