Thursday, May 3, 2012

Therapy In The Garden

It's been a while since I've posted, my enthusiasm, motivation, or whatever you want to call it took a self-imposed break without any forewarning. I just have not had it in me to work on, organize, or paint anything. I think my body just need some time to digest everything that has happened and all my energy was being used to cope with day to day life, without losing my sanity. 

During that time the hubster and I spent a lot of time in the yard. It's amazing how therapeutic gardening can be, even if its just pulling weeds, I did plant some new flowers though. It gave me time to be with my thoughts, release some pent-up emotions (cry) and talk to God. (Sigh) What a relief it was.

Given all the time spent in the yard, I did take a few photos. Some I want to share with you are, my Irises. But first I just have to show you the state of the irises when we first looked at the house. Really, the entire house was suffering from a serious case of neglect. The bunch of half-dead looking leaves (aka irises), are a testimony to that fact. Sad I tell ya, just sad.

We moved in, in November and the following spring I transplanted them. That was a year ago. This year I was excited to buds everywhere.

And then a week later the buds were even taller!

And finally...

 Believe or not this entire "L" of irises are only the ones from the original photo. I think after they're finishing blooming it time to divide them.

Someone asked if when I planted them I knew what colors they were because the colors are almost perfectly spaced... I had no clue what colors they were. Lets call it serendipity.

Here's a flower for you! Thank you for the sweet comments and emails during my absence.  


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