Well... well... well. Look what the cold air blew in. Yes, I am still alive over here in California. I have taken a much need break to regroup, refocus and redefine.... you know all the re's that person tends to do when you don't hear from them for awhile. I took this time the get settled in a new job and new area, spend time with my great nephew, and much much more.
You know what's funny? During my hiatus, I did not decorate nor organize the new digs at all. That's not to say the place is in total disarray. I mean, I can count on one hand that number of pictures hung on the wall and I do have a neat space to pay bills and plan menus. What I'm talking about goes beyond surface level fluff. I haven't dug deep and got down "business." Have you ever been in this place before? Have you ever thought, " Awe, I'll get to it," and getting to it never happens? Why? Well, you realize there are more important things in life at the moment? Well, that's been me for the past four months. And while I enjoyed my down time in the back of my mind I thought about my blog. I even kept up with all the blogs that I follow. And now I'm ready to rejoin the land of the blogging.
What's ahead in the next six months for The Uncluttered Lifestyle.
Till next time...You know what's funny? During my hiatus, I did not decorate nor organize the new digs at all. That's not to say the place is in total disarray. I mean, I can count on one hand that number of pictures hung on the wall and I do have a neat space to pay bills and plan menus. What I'm talking about goes beyond surface level fluff. I haven't dug deep and got down "business." Have you ever been in this place before? Have you ever thought, " Awe, I'll get to it," and getting to it never happens? Why? Well, you realize there are more important things in life at the moment? Well, that's been me for the past four months. And while I enjoyed my down time in the back of my mind I thought about my blog. I even kept up with all the blogs that I follow. And now I'm ready to rejoin the land of the blogging.
What's ahead in the next six months for The Uncluttered Lifestyle.
- New blog design! (I'm really excited about this one!)
- Decorate master bedroom (There is not even a bedskirt on our bed... oh the horror.)
- Organize blogging space
- Organize awkward coat closet (Just wait until you see that crazy space. Picture deep and unlit.)
- A little "temporary" decorating in family room (Why temporary?)
- Possibly a new home...
Oh yes people more than likely there is a new home coming for us in the next six months. If it does come to fruition I look forward to bringing you along on the selection process.
These are just the highlights, there many fun projects ahead. I look forward to getting back into the blogging world and spending more time with you in this new year.