Friday, February 1, 2013

The Super Bowl Weekend!

Hey peeps! How's it hanging in your neck of the woods? I know that most of the country is being hit hard with cold temps and storms, I so sorry. I wish that I could send you some of our sunshine. The forecast for Sacramento shows mid 60's and sunny skies. Perfect weather to have a Super Bowl Party.

Will you be watching the big battle of the brothers, even if its just for the commercials? Normally that's my sole interest, but this year it's one of our home teams going (49ers) and I love Ray Lewis (Ravens) too sooo.... I'm kinda torn.  To tell you the truth, I feel bad for the parents of the two coaches... how can they be overjoyed for one son, when the other son will have just lost? Man, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes at the end of the game.

Anywho, the reason for me popping in this afternoon is to share a picture with you. (If you follow me on Facebook, you may have already seen it.) Remember my planner with the wonderful tabs?

Well, this is what the tabs look like right now... :(

Let's look again...

The labels are peeling off. This weekend I'll be figuring out a way to get my labels to stick while watching Lewis and Kapernick go head to head. What will you be up to besides watching the Super Bowl?

Enjoy the game... or the commercials.
Till next time.


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