Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thank You!

Wow is really I can say! I can not believe the response I've received from my Dresser Turned Media Cabinet post.

Janel at Hating Martha awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award. Thanks Janel!

This award is meant to give a big SHOUT OUT to new up & coming blogs...blogs with fewer than 200 followers... (that's me!) This is a pay-it-forward type of award... here's what I'm supposed to do:
  • Choose five up & coming blogs with fewer than 200 followers to award the Liebster to;
  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them (it might be good to become a follower of theirs too; hint, hint);
  • Post the award on your blog.  Be sure to put a link back to the blogs you have give the Liebster to so everyone else can pay them a visit.
This who I'm passing the torch to:
  1. The Family Room Design Studio: When I first found this blog I knew I was going to love it. You just have to check out her kitchen update. Simply marvelous.
  2. Ties 2 The Past: The painted signs that she makes are amazing. I wish I had half her talent.
  3. Town & Country Living: Jennifer lives in a sweet little farmhouse that is decorated just divinely. Certainly a must see.
  4. The Farmhouse Porch: You have to visit to see her recipe for Antiqued Book Bundles made with new paperbacks. It's the newest thing on my to do list. 
  5. Stonehouse Living: I'm just so smitten with all of her decor. 

As the award were not enough. DaNita at Delightful Order featured my new media cabinet! I was #4 on her most clicked countdown from her linky party. Not too shabby!

If you have never paid a visit to her blog you are certainly missing out! She has a host of wonderful projects for your viewing and inspirational pleasure.

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