It's January 1, 2012 and this is the first post for the year. Resolutions are not something I do, but I do think it's a perfect time for some forecasting and planning ahead.
When I initially started The Uncluttered Lifestyle my original intent was to focus on decluttering and organization, with an occasional project about my love of all things vintage and antique. Looking back, I don't think I've done so well with goal. I even started a series entitled "Unclutter It Thursday" in the hope to redirect things but sadly I didn't continue it. Tisk, tisk... :( However, all is not lost. It's just time to regroup and reorganized.
First up for 2012... get back on track by restarting "Unclutter It Thursday." There are a lot of projects around this farmhouse that will involve purging and simplifying, all of which will be shared during the series. It's my hope to eventually turn the series into a linky party so we can all share wonderful tips and decluttering projects. (Oh and yes, I know that Unclutter is not a real word. But I like it so I'm going with it.) Stay tuned!
Second, since starting this blog my design tastes have evolved. I no longer feel the need to stick to one particular look for our home. This is no doubt due to the wonderful inspiration seen on the many blogs I frequent. I'm now comfortable buying what I love and making it work with everything else I love. That being said, I know touring your home is a source of joy for me so why shouldn't share mine with you. I will continue to show before/after projects, but I will endeavor to show more of our little farmhouse and where all these before/after pieces are landing.
There you have it folks, my two goals for the first six months of the year. As with everything else in life, balance is needed and I want to ensure that I continue to enjoy blogging and not begin feel as though it's a dreaded task. More importantly, given the other obligations I have, I think that's more than enough to keep me busy. Once things become consistent for the first six months will add to the list.
Now, on to the thank yous...
Creative Kristi featured the Dresser Turned Media Cabinet.
Thank you Kristi. Drop by her blog, she offers awesome blog design services!
Barbara at 21 Rosemary Lane gave Uncluttered Lifestyle the Blog on Fire Award. Thank you darling!
When receiving the award we are to thank the giver, share five unique things about yourself, and then pass the torch to five other deserving blogs.
Five unique things about me... ummmm:
- I'm the only left-handed person in my immediate family (Parents, 3 siblings, son, nephews, nieces, and umpteen in-laws included).
- I have hands identical to my mother's except my right hand looks like her left and my left hand looks like her right. (weird, right?!)
- I hate cooked spinach, but love spinach dip and baby spinach salad.
- I do not have a middle name.
- I have year-round allergies (Go me!)
Okie dokie, I think those are unique enough. Five blogs on fire to me are:
- Sweet Girl Expressions... my, my, my check out Katie's projects. The girl has got skillz!
- Simple Details... Pam recently made slipcovers for her bar stools saving moolah and showing its all in the details.
- Dumped and Discovered... Sarah and her hubby rescue dumped furniture, giving it new life. Check out their before & after projects.
- Shabby Story... Lynn has the sweetest cottage. She recently added a new "mantel" to her bedroom and has given me an idea for our guest room.
- At Home In The Northwest... Jen showed an inexpensive doormat project that when displayed will look like a million bucks baby! Thanks Jen for my next project.
Till next time... happy blogging!