Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pancake Mix Can Make Biscuits Too

Today for dinner I wanted Raspberry & Blueberry Shortcake for dessert, not with angel food cake or pound cake but with biscuits. Truly the best way to eat shortcake is with biscuits. Sounds yummy right?! Soooo.... I set about getting everything prepared. 

Raspberries and blueberries sprinkled with sugar and set in the frig to do their thing... Check.

Pulled the Bisquick out the pantry... Check.

But wait a minute, this box feels kinda light. Yup, you guessed it. Not even a full cup of mix in there. So on to plan B... Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix? (I didn't drop everything and run to the store because it's about 20 from my house.)

Looking all over the box, there was not a biscuit recipe anywhere in sight. Google here I come. Reading site after site it appeared that most were not sure if pancake mix could be used for biscuits. Searching and searching finally produced only one recipe original meant as a topper for pot pies. It was taken from an old Aunt Jemima recipe booklet.

Aunt Jemima Biscuit Topper Recipe
2 cups pancake mix
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons shortening
2/3 cup milk

1. Mix together Pancake mix and sugar; cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
2. Add milk; stirring lightly only until mixture is dampened.
3. Turn out on floured board and knead gently a few seconds; roll out 1/2 inch thick, cut into a large circle to fit top of baking dish.
4. Place on top of meat or chicken pic and bake in a hot oven (425° F.) 20 minutes, or bake as biscuits in a  very hot oven (475° F.) 10 to 12 minutes.

I was skeptical when I began, but it looked ok before I started to roll it out.

I didn't take a picture during the roll-out process. I will tell you that its very sticky, have your flour at the ready. But I did get them into the oven finally.

The finished product... not to shabby. They didn't rise as much as I'd hoped. If I make them again I will roll-out the dough slightly thicker than 1/2 inch.

They were yummy with butter. But that is definitely not why I made them... on to the main attraction.

Presenting Ms. Raspberry & Blueberry Shortcake.

Yes it was yum-o-licious! Till next time.

I'm linking this to:
On the Menu Monday - StoneGable
Just Something I Whipped Up - The Girl Creative
Recipe Swap Sunday - Remodelaholic

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