Saturday, May 3, 2014

Short Hair In Style Vintage

Short Hair In Vintage Style

1926 - 1962 years between the short and rather sad legendary living a life of Marilyn Monroe short blonde wavy hairstyle became fashionable again after 50 years.

Marilyn Monroe's short hairstyle nowadays this way you can use anywhere. For the style that you can easily wash our hair at home before we give the hair volume with foam.
  • After giving volume to our hair with a blow dryer are adequately ventilate a little fluffing. 
  • Then our hair or finger thick tufts are doing our jobs by taking crimping tongs are screwed with buckle. 
  • After a little wait, our hair, we open in this way and are giving way to scan. 
Your hair is short at this old vintage style of Marilyn Monroecan increase your charm applying.

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