Howdy! How's things in your world?
The barren before:
My go to items are clearly marked for the hubby with the aid of these labels, which are so darling!.

This is a post that I've been tossing around in my noggin' for a while, trying to compose it in a way that it flowed. You see, today I'm back to share with you our pantry retrofit and some... more news. I want to share some of the other news I received at the doctor when I found out about my allergies. This news has given me the extra push to retrofit the refrigerator and pantry. Well, lets give it a go and see if it flows. (Ha, that rhymed)
This retrofit started with a trip to the grocery store and Trader Joe's. My trip to Trader Joe's was most enlightening, they have an entire four page list of gluten free items they carry. Of course I didn't find that out until an hour into my trip. LOL! Not wanting to go crazy and buy a bunch of stuff I would end up not liking, I simply picked up a few "replacements" for what I would normally eat.
I have tried most of the items with the exception of the brownie mix, but now that I'm looking at the picture I may rectify that tonight! And I can tell you I will be purchasing each one again. Oh, the yellow package on the far left is roasted seaweed... delish. Turns out I shouldn't have them because I'm allergic to sesame seeds and these are coated in sesame seed oil. Of course I didn't see that until I got home but since it's a mild allergy I ate them anyway! But I promise I will not buy them again. (If you would like a review of what I thought of each just let me know and I'll fill you in. Now let's see where all this goodness is stored.
The well-stocked after:
The front basket label says "His Snacks." Sorry for the wash out. Everything the hubby accesses on a daily basis is right in the front. I tried to make my new eating transition as seamless as possible for him, not that he required it. He has been quite supportive. Goodness, I love that man!
The red topped containers were on clearance at Target. I love the fact that they're airtight... great for chips. We are known to have several different flavors opened at the same time. Does your family do that?
First of all, yes all my canned good labels always face forward. (Checkout the before picture. Clearly it's not staged.)
On the very bottom there is a basket for potatoes and a drawer system that houses the pooches food, chip bag clamps and plastic bags.
Much more efficient use of space.

And since I could not find a easy way to segue into my news I'll just blurt it out.
When I had lab work done for allergy testing I also had other testing done. Turns out that my achy joints were not the work of a wheat allergy alone, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Hearing that news while you're in mid-thirties is quite a shock. In the last few weeks, I have met with my Rheumatologist to determine how progressed my situation is and what I should/shouldn't do to my life easier. During my visit, he did inform me that along with RA, I also have joint disease in my knees and will most likely need both knees replaced in the next few years. What?!? Hey doc, did I mention that I'm only the tender age of 35?
I left his office with quite a list of to-do's and to-don'ts.
- Avoid the joint pain triggers - No wheat!
- No stairs - Uh oh! We live on the third floor with no elevator. That's 36 steps up and 36 steps down at least twice a day. (Yes I counted them the day we moved in.) Looks like we are definitely moving.
- Lose weight - Get rid of some of the junk in my trunk! But do it without heavy weights and running or hiking. Go easy on the joints!
Before I continue, this is where you come in... I can share my new journey with you right here or I can start a new blog which you can choose to follow. Either way I'll be blogging and vlogging about my progress with RA and the necessary changes. I understand you started following for home projects, so I want to give you an opportunity to provide some feedback before I bombard you with the rest of my life.
Till next time...