We have landed (more than likely temporarily) in a modern 2 bedroom apartment. Perks are insulated walls and windows and more than one outlet per room. Who knew insulation was perk until you go without it?!?The one drawback is not having my own dedicated office with room to spread out. I can deal with having less storage, you know that just gives me something to talk to you about... :)
Even though I no longer have an office with a door, I did claim the kitchen desk area as my own... after all the hubs got the second bedroom. Oh, but he did try to claim it temporarily, here's the proof. Oh yes, that is his iMac in my new "office" space.
Thank goodness that only lasted until we found a new desk for his office. Once he got the boot, I swiftly set about making a home for myself, using many of the elements from my last office and a few new ones.

You can find me here on a daily basis. This is where I pay bills, plan our weekly menu, and now blog once again. (Despite the fact that I am currently laying on the couch battling a cold while I type this post.)

For now I'll be focusing on the left side of the desk area, which packs quite a punch thanks to the open shelving.
The very top shelf holds just decorative items because its hard to access without a step ladder. Really, who wants to pull out a step ladder every time they need something from the top shelf? I know I don't, even if it's occasionally. The middle shelf holds a few of my organizing books and two IKEA storage boxes. The top box hold my label makers and Martha Stewart file folders and the bottom box holds all the extra office supplies. (I really need to add some labels to my boxes.) And lastly the bottom shelf is all things cooking.
On the desk I have my vintage file sorter, which houses things like my stapler, calculator and Storage magazines. I also have my four household binders, which I will be redo this week. Stay tuned for those updates.
Thanks for visiting my office space. Till next time...