Wednesday, December 19, 2012

UJP Writer Community

UJP Writer Community 

Allah Almighty blessed all of us with unique skills and level of understanding everyone has some special skills and abilities. Keeping this thing in mind UJP BLOG Team decided to provide a place all of you to come and share your brilliant ideas and experience with world.

UJP Writer Community is platform for energetic and brilliant minds youngsters to introduce their self to the world about the skills and abilities they have got by nature. UJP Writer Community is particularly place for all those people who have Passion to share their KnowledgeSkills and experiences with others people in the world. This is a place for those people who believe in the strength of Writing and power of sharing ideas with each other by mutual understanding in order to bring positive change in our society.

 Our Vision:
“Our Vision is to develop positive thinking among the youngsters by providing them guide for future and to make them enrich with knowledge about the things around us.”

Our Mission:
“Our Mission is to build a strong virtual community of personal who are Cognitive Thinkers, Writers, Developers, Beauticians, Poets, Engineers, Doctors, Teachers, Architectures, Fashion Designers  Graphic and web designers , Social Workers, Scholars,  Debaters, Presenter, Personality developers, Trainers, Spoken English and other Language trainers and so many other professionals.”

How we will Work:
The idea is very simple Give and take these professionals will give their expertise in shape of their writings in articles to the all youngsters of our society. Society will give them Recognition and Motivation in reward and best of they will get special Reward from Allah of guiding the peoples in right way. UJP Blog Team will develop authors books in which all registered authors will be given access to our site in order to directly publish their articles.
This is free service and we will all work as volunteer at start with the passage of time UJP Blog Team will finalize Best Authors on based of the quality of your articles and sharing. The panel of Best Authors will be paid in return of their services payment method is based on Compensation System  in which our experts will evaluate your creativeness, ownership of contents, quality of articles and other measurements.

Important Notice:

Note: All your articles and writings must pass the Copy Escape Test

Copy Escape is Worlds Best system to measure plagiarism and it is quickest system that can process the data in few minutes. In the end it shows the results how many lines, paragraphs are abstracted or copied from which website or article.

            After that your articles and writings passed our evaluation test from our system will be published to our site.  Your all articles will be considered as property of UJP Writer Community but these articles will be published as your ownership with your picture and contact details and link of your personal profile. 

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