Monday, March 12, 2012

Bringing In More Spring

Can we talk for a moment? Just between bloggers... amiga y amiga (or amigo, if you're out there.)Yes. Ok, thanks!

I have to tell to you something that comes from deep within... something that has been on my mind a lot as of late. I guess you could call it a confession of sorts. I'm fighting a bout of .... jealousy. Yes, its true! I'm ashamed to admit it, but I can not hold it in any longer.

I'm jealous of all the mantels I'm seeing lately in blogland. Everyone is nesting and prettify their mantels and joining the tons of spring mantel parties being hosted. I want a mantel! I want to join the spring mantel parties too!

Ok, I was being a little dramatic in the beginning. I have a tendency to do that from time to time. Buuuuuut, I do really wish I had a mantel do decorate. So I'm going to pretend that this space above a bookcase in our family room is a mantel. You don't mind do you? After all, it is flat and rectangular just like a mantel. 

The dark strip above the bookcase is picture molding. It's a tall bookcase... I'm trying to bring symmetry to this wall... more on that at another time.

After shopping the house, my faux-mantel looks like this.

Gorgeous detail on the antique frame and mirror is in pristine condition.

The daffodils have yet to open. I looked high and low for some open ones, but to no avail.

When I thought about styling the top of the bookcase I knew I want a spring poem to add some colors. I found one by Archie Greenidge to be so true.

Spring is life.
Spring is hope.
So is love and happiness.
Spring renews.
Without spring life is forlorn.
Spring is nostalgia after bitter storm.
Put spring in your heart.

Till next time...


You can find me partying here:

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