First, I want to thank Amy from WhisperWood Cottage and Jickie Torres from Cottages and Bungalows for selecting my challenge room to be one of the top 12 contenders. Honestly, I didn't expect this at all. And I am so very honored to be included with some seriously talented women.
Now on to Un-Clutter It Thursday. Today I'm going to take you into two spaces in the kitchen. The first space is where we store our everyday dishware. (Another skinny cabinet, I guess in the 1920's everything was skinnier. Hmm... maybe I would have been skinner too?!) This cabinet measures a mere 15.5 inches wide and 18 inches deep. Not very much space but shelf helpers came to the rescue again.
This is everything that was in the cabinet before. Most was going back in with the exception of a few items.

I fit all the dishes back in, even added in some sushi plates and few serving bowls, with room to spare. That means... Target here I come!
The second space we are going into is next to the sink, where we store utensils and such. Notice the glamourous rust spots that we mentioned in my last post.
The top drawer has a built-in organizer. I guess, they were ahead of the time in the 1950s! I didn't get a picture of it,but in the back of the drawer is a second section where the serving utensils are kept.
Now... here's to keeping it real wit-cha... The second drawer started out looking like this!
But not anymore! I added a vintage caddy to organize the smaller items.
The third drawer holds that baking center. I would love to own a stand mixer, but let's be honest, I have no where to store it.
The last drawer holds glass and ceramic bowls for mixing and ingredients.
What I have personally learned from using this kitchen is the importance of getting rid of duplicates. When we first moved into this house we downsized from 3000 square feet. Our kitchen had a walk-in pantry, a five foot island with storagespace, and about 20 cabinets. And I'm here to tell ya every inch of the kitchen was full! I had duplicates of things just because I knew I had the room for it, not that it made any kind of sense. Now I have just what I use. Really, just what I need. Its been rather freeing, actually. I can quickly locate everything, I love it. Who knew I would ever say that?
As you can see from the photos above, if you take the time to organize you can fit a lot into a small space.
Next week we'll wrap up things in the kitchen with pots, pans, bakeware, and appliances. I will also give an update on the skirt issue.
Till next time!
Oh, and please don't forget to take the poll on my sidebar. I'd love to know if you would like Un-Clutter It Thursday to be a weekly party!