Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project Slipcover

Hello, hello people! How's it hangin'? After some impromptu garage saleing, I've been elbow-deep in a slipcovering project. I'm taking a breather to scream and chil-lax, before I murder myself for attempting this project. I'm also taking this time to give you a teaser. ;) 

Not too long ago I told my mom I was looking for Parsons chairs for the dining room. Well, she was passing by a garage sale on a Sunday afternoon around 3:30PM and saw four Parsons chairs. Being the loving mother she is, she called and told me about them, they were asking $40. At once, I thought... "It's Sunday, late afternoon, and they still have chairs I sure they don't want to take back in the house... will they take $30 for all four?" "Yes!" Scizz-ore! "Wait Iesha, they are red." "I don't care, I'll slipcover them. How hard could it be?" Huh? Did I just say that? See, it's that last statement that got me into to this whole mess!

These are the four chairs.

I've been elbows deep in fabric since 4:00PM Saturday afternoon and let me tell you, it ain't that easy! For someone who's a pro at sewing I'm sure this would be simple, but it's my first time and let's just say the seam ripper has been a close friend. Ugh! Oh well... this is where I'm at. (You can see the corner of the sewing machine, by the lamp, in my office.)

As I was taking a break in the family room, I took this photo and thought of my Pinterest board and all the pleated slipcovers I have pinned. (Note all the dark mahogany board and batten. I love it, but it sucks the all the light in the room, so this is the being of a plan to bring in lighter elements.)

So now I'm going to attempt a pleated skirt... 

Pray for me... I'm going back in!
Till next time.

P. S. Don't forget about the first Un-Clutter It Thursday Linky Party going live 5AM PST this Thursday morning.


I'm partying at...

Sunday's Best Linky Party! The Girl Creative

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