Monday, January 16, 2012

Imagine the Impossibilities Challenge... I Accept

Did you hear? Linda at It All Started With Paint along with a few other fab bloggers is having a "Imagine the Impossibilities" Challenge. Sounds like fun and the perfect time to cross something off my to-do list for the year. So I accept! The challenge will be culminating with a linky party on January 31st. If you would like more details click on the button below.

What will I be tackling and hopefully marking off my to-do list for the year? Let me introduce you to... I don't even know what to call it. You see, there is a room off of our dining room that is a complete eyesore. This room was added some time after the house was built in 1925 as a sun porch. Then during the great depression two families lived here and it was a second kitchen. The second kitchen has since been removed and now its back to being a sun porch... I guess. In reality though, its a catch all room, a I don't feel like walking to the detached garage work room, a dumping ground for things no longer wanted in other parts of the house room. The major problem with that is, there are huge windows that look in from the dining room. So, anytime someone comes over they want to know what's out there. I mean there are windows, I would want to know what's out there, if I were them. After one look, they never look again... oh the sheer horror of it all!

Dare I share with you? Here you go, take a look for yourself.

Do you see the window on the left in the first picture? Yup, there are actually two, you just can't see the other one. The dining room is right on the other side. In the second picture, you can see the door leading into the dining room on the right. Also, its quite a narrow room measuring 7.2' x 15.6'.  I did at least paint the room when we moved in but all efforts stop there. Go me!

This challenges presents a perfect opportunity to get it together... don't you agree? Why not join in on the fun and pick something to tackle as well. Misery loves company!

Till next time... Happy Blogging!

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