Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tiny Bathroom To Do... Done!

Yes, I know that I have been MIA for awhile... but I've been busy getting ready for our visitors this weekend. Remember my bathroom to do list...

1. Strip and repaint built-in cabinet
2. Organize drawers in built-in
3. Recaulk toilet and tub
4. Sew new shower curtain
5. Replace wall cabinet w/shelving
6. Accessorize with new towels and rug

This is what it looks like now...
1. Strip and repaint built-in cabinet - Done!
2. Organize drawers in built-in - Done!
3. Recaulk toilet and tub - Done!
4. Sew new shower curtain - Done!
5. Replace wall cabinet w/shelving - Done!
6. Accessorize with new towels and rug - Done!

I'm so excited to have this room done! Whooo hooo!
Here is the before...

And let's not forget the cabinet the spurred the entire process with it's 13 layers of paint. 

Now we have this.

Thanks for visiting... till next time.

I'm linking this to:
POP - Domestically Speaking
WUW - Savvy Southern Style
White Wednesday - Faded Charm Cottage
Home Decor & Organizing Party - Organize and Decorate Everything

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